How to post a video on YouTube effectively for your SEO ?

Updated on August 1, 2016

1. YouTube Video Content

  • The title and description must be well-crafted and contain relevant keywords placed as far left as possible.
  • Take the time to properly fill in the tags, choose words relevant to your video.
  • Your message must be clear and concise; the video should ideally not exceed 2 minutes.
  • Include a link to your website in the video (how to add a link on a YouTube video?) and at the beginning of the description.
    Do not assume that viewers will search for you on Google after watching your video.
    Make it easy for them, link to the most relevant page of your site. If your video is about making “fraise tagada,” do not link to, but link to :

2. Video Quality

Upload a quality video, at least in HD720. Poor quality videos will not be shared and will reflect badly on your brand.

3. Video Sharing

You have spent a lot of time on the video creation, uploading it to YouTube, writing a meaningful title and description…
To fully benefit from what YouTube can offer you (for your SEO and your traffic).
Now, you must share your video on social networks and on your site.

1. On your site :

  • Embed your video on a content-rich page.
    Putting your video on a blank page clearly does not have the same impact as if it is surrounded by several paragraphs dealing with the same topic as the video.
  • Remember to disable end-of-video suggestions before copying the HTML code :youtube video suggestions
    Uncheck this box, as the suggested content may not always align with your message.

2. On social networks :

Share the video on your official Google+, Facebook, Twitter pages.

4. Bringing Viewers Back

Invite them to subscribe to your channel by inserting a subscription link at the end of the video (how to add a link on a YouTube video?).

5. Give Your Channel a Graphic Identity

Add a logo, a cover, a channel description, links to your social networks…

Youtube channel
Example of a YouTube channel description

6. WRI’s Tips to Improve the Positioning of Your YouTube Videos

Jonathan from WebRankInfo discusses the criteria that might play a role in ranking :





